Sweet Fire Bouquet with Roses
Quick Overview
With a lush bouquet of multi-colored roses, this sparkling pink cut-glass bowl makes a breathtakingly beautiful gift. With a votive candle, it casts a soft pink glow that is pure enchantment.
Dazzle your special someone with a gorgeous bouquet of pink and orange roses in a sparkling pink cut-glass votive bowl. When the flowers are gone, this stunning votive holder, aglow with soft candlelight, sets the mood for love.
Dazzle your special someone with a gorgeous bouquet of pink and orange roses in a sparkling pink cut-glass votive bowl. When the flowers are gone, this stunning votive holder, aglow with soft candlelight, sets the mood for love.
- With a lush bouquet of multi-colored roses, this sparkling pink cut-glass bowl makes a breathtakingly beautiful gift.
- With a votive candle, it casts a soft pink glow that is pure enchantment.
- Delivered in a stunning pink cut-glass votive bowl.
- The spectacular bouquet includes hot pink roses, light pink spray roses, pink spray roses and orange spray roses.
- Delivered in a stunning pink cut-glass votive bowl.
- The spectacular bouquet includes hot pink roses, light pink spray roses, pink spray roses and orange spray roses.
- Delivered in a stunning pink cut-glass votive bowl.
- Orientation: All-Around
- All prices in USD ($)
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